Monday, June 13, 2011

she's found herself

eric's parents are here and gemma has been enjoying some time with gramm and pops.

they bought her a new "johnny jump up" toy. she doesn't quite get the idea of the 'jump up' part. she is pretty content to just let her feet dangle and not try to actually bounce in it. she does, however, love the toys on the tray around her.

one of the toys on the tray is a mirror.

when she discovered her own face... i guess she thought it was pretty funny.


Gwen T said...

too cute :) -- did you just add the pages/nav bar or has it just been too long since I've visited your blog?! regardless I like the addition!

The Haskell Family said...

That is so cute! I love the kind of johnny jump up they got her too! That way you can put it anywhere! Cool!

Tessa's Mommy said...

She is too cute!