Thursday, June 16, 2011

fashion statement

i absolutely love big and bold headbands. so when gemma's 'gramm' brought this blue flowered headband out!!! i knew that it was perfect!!

we were going out on the town and with all of gemma's new clothes, decided on this 'little number'.

you would never guess that our poor girl has a fever...except maybe by the occasional frown and eyebrow raise here and there. it must just be teething...we are on to tooth number 3.

she is growing so quickly...her last doctor's appointment she was 15lbs. 8oz. (20th %) and 25in long (10th%).

she is constantly learning new things... and i love that each day she does something new!

she is so cute 'i could just chew on her all day' (as my nephew would say)

love you gemma jaye!


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh Sarah, she is adorable!!! I love all your pics!

The Haskell Family said...

Holy Cow! She looks so much like you in the last picture it's almost hard to believe it isn't you! So does Sydney get this as a hand-me-down later? :-) hehehe!

thedoddsfamily said...

You and Eric are so blessed to have such a precious little one. I love the big headbands on babies too!!! Congrats!!! I can not wait to have a baby whenever we finally do.