So much has been going on in our lives over the past few weeks. God has definitely been teaching us how to love each other better and how to better serve Him. It is amazing how God uses His Word to teach us about Himself and to show us how to better live for Him...'for the Word of God is living and active'... How true this is. Through any situation God will use His Word to bring truths about Himself to the forefront of our minds.
It seems as though a quality prayer time has been the challenge for me. When I was reading the other day I came across the verse, 'DEVOTE yourselves to prayer.' I have read that verse before, but when I read it this time, the word 'devote' really stood out to me.
One major way that God has taught me what this devotion looks like is through my discipleship study on Wednesday nights. Every Wednesday night at my church we have youth group and some of us from the college class help, by spending some time with groups to help them apply what has been taught that week. I have a group of 4 to 5 girls. We have been talking about what a true relationship with God looks like. It is awesome to see how excited they are to learn and how much they desire to know God. Through my teaching them I have learned so much. We talked one week about prayer being a way to communicate with God. Just like one would talk to a best friend as often as possible, so we should talk with God to learn more about Him, so we can know our God.
Another way that God teaches us about Himself is through His children. Through the example of so many people I am learning about prayer and just how important it really is. Through Eric, his family, my family, and our church family I am understanding more of what true communication with God looks like. It is real. It isn't just a '5 minute, quick say a prayer'.
It is being diligent and devoted to speaking with my best friend. Learning more about Him as I grow in the knowledge that he wants that personal relationship with me.