Monday, October 20, 2008

Autumn and Bonfires...

Since we have been married, Eric has started taking classes at K- Institute and I have gotten a job at the license bureau in town. We are both enjoying our new activities, but we try to leave time for the fun stuff.

Last weekend we went to Ava to a camp out there for a hayride and bonfire. We went with a group from church. It was a blast. All the guys went into the woods before the hayride and hid so when the tractor came through with all the little kids they could try to scare them. Some of the kids were little so they couldn't do major scaring.

It was really fun and the kids seemed to really enjoy themselves.

It was a perfect night, there wasn't a cloud in the sky and you could see every star, it seemed. It was definitley the initiation of fall. The only thing that was missing was the hot chocolate.


Anonymous said...

is that picture Eric scaring someone? 'cause it sortof made me laugh instead of scream. :) you both! talk to ya later aligator!

Tessa's Mommy said...

Oh I love the blog, Sarah! It will be fun to see life through the eyes of you and Eric! Love you!