Wednesday, June 22, 2011

its that time of year

its time for teeball again. cy and nolan are both playing baseball this year. cy is playing teeball and nolan is starting coach pitch softball.

last night eric, gemma and i went to cy's teeball game. this was also jack's first outing for the summer. we had him in the car with us.
as we were nearing the park, eric realized that he had forgotten jacks leash.
we improvised, i took out eric's shoelace and we used that instead. it actually worked pretty well. nolan had a good time at the game. he played with eric and jack. we sat near a fence...
we all the sudden heard nolan say, 'what is this?' and eric saying 'what is that smell?'
when we looked we saw that nolan had kicked a dead turtle over near us. yuck. it was actually a really big one too.

maya and gemma had a good time as well. as long as they were playing with each other and could keep each other company. which they did a good job entertaining one another.

cy is already getting into the spirit of teeball. it was so fun to watch him get into it. i have heard, as have you, more than likely, teeball as referred to as 'herd' ball. now i know where that term came from.

this is actually the night when gemma really stood up for the first time. as i mentioned earlier. okay, so she didn't stand by herself, but she stood with the help of aunt adrian.

she is getting so big. and i love watching her interact with her cousins. they really are great entertainers. she is constantly laughing at them.

she is also excited about our weekend camping trip. eric and i have never been least since we have been married. so we are pretty excited too!

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