Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Weed Picker

The trailor that Eric and I have been living in is right next to a place of business.

The people who own it are very nice and we get along well with them. As I have mentioned before Eric has a way of picking up side businesses here and there. One of those is, of course, Amazon/EBay selling, the other is mowing the businesses lawn for them.

Since he mows it for them, they have a weed eater that they allow him to use. the setting is all set... now to the funny part.

Last week, Eric was going to mow the lawn.
To do this he has to time it just right. He has to choose a time when he can get into the shed of this business (so, business hours). Well, he did time it right. They let him in and he got what he needed. The weed eater was ready to go.

Eric started weed whacking.
While he was doing this the business closed as did the storage place for the weed eater, string and gasoline.

Poor Eric, He was almost done with his task when he ran out of string for the weed eater.

Not being someone who likes to leave a job unfinished...

He finished the job.

And I just happened to get a video of him doing this task.


Tessa's Mommy said...

Good job, Eric!! Way to be a diligent worker! LOL! That's great

jill said...

Thats my boy!! I have to say it looks just like something I would do!! Hugs, Mom