Tuesday, September 28, 2010

pregnant or not...its still my belly

so it has finally happened...the whole stranger thing wanting to touch my pregnant belly... AWWW..freak me out!!

i had a doctor's appointment today and as i was walking into the hospital there was an older guy (i know age is relative) probably in his early 60s sitting in a wheelchair outside the hospital entrance. i was almost to the doors and he jokingly asked me "what happened?" i laughed and said, "o, i swallowed a pumpkin...haha"
i continued to walk towards the door when he held out his hands and said... "come here let me rub your stomach."
i'm thinking...are you kidding me..but i laughed again and said, "that's okay."
he was like, "come on"
"ummm...well, i am going to be late for my doctor's appointment."
"o, come on let me rub your belly."
you freak... "no really, that's okay."

thankfully he was in a wheelchair or i am guessing he wouldn't have asked, but would have just touched my belly anyway.
so here is my question... do people think that once you become pregnant that your belly isn't a part of you anymore. i mean, seriously, its one thing for people i know, like from church, or my family to touch my stomach, but it is a completely different thing for a complete stranger to just want to touch my stomach.

shew...glad i got that off my chest, (or should i say belly).

at least i got a good laugh and blog post out of the deal... any of you have similar stories about strangers touching your stomach. i would love to hear them.


Tessa's Mommy said...

Hahaha! That must be so awkward for you.

Me said...

Ha ha ha! Around here, it's a cultural thing too....EVERYONE touches your belly! And then after the baby is born...EVERYONE rubs the baby's head! It was like that in Texas too. :)

I've toyed with taping a large marble to my belly so that when people touch, they get freaked out. But you never know when it's going to happen so...

So excited for you! (about the baby, not the belly touching, lol)

Julie Boston said...

NO REALLY BACK OFF PERVERT! lol that's what I woulda said. You know because pregnancy hormones are always a good excuse, then you follow that with a really sweet "Oh dear, I'm sorry I'm afraid my pregnancy hormones are acting up". lol

Of course I got that too, I think everyone does. It might possibly be a right of passage to motherhood, along with unwanted advice. The other thing that I was anal about was AFTER the baby was born, for weeks I didn't want anyone to touch it. I was like, no you have germs. lol

But thankfully having a baby causes you to get a renewed patience with people, the world in general... so maybe some of these new annoyances won't seem so weird after a while.

Anonymous said...

That is the funniest belly-touching story I've heard. I would be freaked out too!