Saturday, September 25, 2010

Week 31

I am officially down to single digits...9 weeks to go!!!!!
Next weekend I can start to tell people that I am due next month!! It is crazy how fast time goes.
Had another doctor's appointment:
Weight- so far I have gained 17 pounds...whoa...eric better be careful, i might catch up to him before this pregnancy is over
We also had another ultrasound and saw our precious girl...she weighs about 3.4 pounds!!! We might have another ultrasound, this time in doc wants to make sure everything is okay with the babies bladder. hopefully we will get some good pictures of the baby.
It is crazy how much she moves around. the movements have started to feel a little different then they used used to feel more like kicks, now it is like she is rolling around trying to get more room in my belly.
eric and i have actually narrowed our name choices down to three...pretty good, eh? i still have no idea which one we will choose, but i like the three that we have picked out so far. maybe we should start a poll and see which one is the most popular... hmmmm...not a bad idea, except i am not too sure how to set it up.


Unknown said...

Yay Sarah! We are so excited for you guys and your little girl... :)

Gwen T said...

We're voting for Schpallozzi! :) Can't wait to meet her!!

Julie Boston said...

Ah HA! You ARE pregnant. lol I was starting to wonder. ;)