Tuesday, June 23, 2009


How fun!!! Eric and I were the directors for our VBS this year at church. We had such a fun time. Maybe stressful at times, but for the most part it was blast.

It took about 2 weeks before hand to decorate for VBS and would have taken a lot longer, but thanks to many wonderful friends and church family we got so much done in a very short amount of time. The theme for the week was Rome:Paul and the Underground Church, so the idea was to make the church seem like Rome and a marketplace. We also made a very cool cave and a small room that was where the apostle Paul was under house arrest.

As you can see by the pictures we had lots of help and lots of fun. Eric was Paul and he did an excellent job. I was the drummer. I walked around and beat a drum when it was time to switch from one activity to the next.

I guess pictures speak louder than words so I will show you pictures of our exciting week.

The prize for the team who raised the most money was to throw messy shotputs. They were actually just balloons filled with water, mustard, and chocolate syrup. The older kids won by one dollar. Eric and our associate pastor, Jeff were the victims. They had to stand there while the kids threw these nasty balloons on them. Well, needless to say the balloons didn't pop very well, so we had a few people who ran back into the church and grabbed the leftover mustard and chocolate syrup and squirted them all over with the bottles. YUCK! It was hilarious/disgusting. The guys were really good sports about it and all the kids got a kick out of it.

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