Monday, August 31, 2009


Oklahoma, you're okay...

This weekend Eric and I took a surprise visit to see Tim and Jenni in their three month apartment in Oklahoma. It wasn't necessarily a surprise for them, but more for me. On Wednesday Eric came home from work and said, "Hey, let's go visit Jenni and Tim this weekend." What a great idea!
We had a great time time. If any of you have ever been to OK you know that there are several toll booths. What a hassle right? Well, not for Eric and I.
One tradition that Eric and I have started over our year of marriage is to read books when we take long drives. Obviously, I read them outloud...Anyway, we were carrying on our tradition and it was a really great book (and the Shofar Blew, if you want to read it) so I was at a really good part and Eric was listening intently. All of the sudden Eric says..."am I supposed to be over there?" I looked up and we were driving right by the toll booths...Oops...he had accidently taken the PikePass lane.
Now what? Neither one of us had ever done anything like that so we weren't really sure what to expect. Would there be a cop waiting for us at the next toll booth? Did we just get our picture taken and we would get our ticket in the mail later?
Not sure what to do I called my dad and told him the situation. He offered the advice that we just wait till we get to the next booth and tell them what had happened.
So we drove on, both a little paranoid about missing the next toll booth.
We finally made it there and when we got to the booth, thankfully the man was super nice. I am sure that he has gotten people who have done that before, because when we told him what had happened he really wasn't surprised he just gave us the solution.
He said that the fine is $25 and that it would come in the mail. He said if it didn't come within 60-90 days we probably hadn't gotten caught, but if they did send us something, he gave us a number to call and told us to tell them that we had paid at the next one.
Shew... We were very relieved after that, but I must admit, the rest of the trip there and back everytime we were passing a toll booth I would look up from my book just to make sure we were in the correct lane.
So we had a great time with Jenni and Tim and are so glad that we were able to go. Saturday morning the boys went to play Disc Golf. We girls went and did what girls do best. We went shopping.
After everyone returned from their various activities we all went to the Witchita Mountains and hiked. (i will post those pictures later)
Another fun part about our trip was our dinner at Red Lobster. Mmmmm....Delic. I think Eric especially enjoyed it. He ate appetizers, all of his food, finished off my meal and Jenni's, he ate probably 4 garlic biscuits, salad, and then began to look at the dessert menu. He didn't get any dessert, but later, once we got back to the apartment, he said that he wouldn't mind eating a shake. He decided to wait though,until lunch sunday afternoon.
We had a great time in OK.
Can't wait to show you pics of our trip to the mountains...who would have thought that OK would have such beautiful mountains?!

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