Friday, August 7, 2009

Row Row Row Your Boat

After all summer of wanting to go canoeing, WE FINALLY DID IT!

(Yes, I did get my hair cut...for you observant ones who might have noticed)

Eric, Jack and I, Jenni and Tim, Ryan, A and the boys, and some friends of ours, the Osbornes went canoeing on the Buffalo River on Saturday.
What started out as a very rainy morning ended in a beautiful, not too hot sort of a day.
We had a great time just floating down the river, finding snakes, turtles and really pretty waterfalls.

We also found a fun cliff the Ryan and Eric jumped off of. I didn't mind watching, but I can certainly tell you that I would never do it.

I got a good video of Ryan jumping and was going to get one of Eric, but my camera ran out of batteries. If you look closely you can see Eric getting ready to jump. He is on a cliff a little higher than Ryan.

My sister did, however, get a shot of Eric jumping, so once I get that from her I will post that for your enjoyment!

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